Doing Agile Right - Transformation without Chaos - by Darrell, Sarah and Steve

This is the summary of the book titled 'Doing Agile Right - Transformation without Chaos' published by Harvard Business Review Press 2020. The authors include Darrell Rigby, Sarah Elk, and Steve Berez who are the Partners at Bain & Company, Inc. 

This captures the essence of a roller coaster ride for every organization undergoing Agile. The ideas in the book are not only just applicable to enterprise IT and also to the Business side of it. The book not only provides ideas, but also stimulates thinking and creates an urge. 

It does not stop by covering just one aspect like Innovation, but also encompasses different angles such as budgeting (i liked most), funding, reviewing, customer loyalty and obsession, functional silos and bureaucracy and GOLDEN MEAN. 


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