
1. Whats-trending-on-jan-2017 (DevOps . Design . Cloud . Innovation . Tech Trends) - 

2. 2017 - Technology Predictions (Gartner . PwC . Deloitte . Forrester . ThoughtWorks. Frog Design) - 

3. Security Predictions & Trends 2017 (Gartner . McAfee . Symantec) - 

4. Whats happening now Feb'17 1st edition! (Prototyping . 5G . Global Risks . Blockchain . AI) - 

5. Whats happening now Feb'17 2nd edition! (Selling . AI . Strategy . Innovation . Customer Service . Cognitive) -  

6. Whats trending now Mar'2017 edition! (AI . Business . IoT . Support Functions . Digital) - 

7. Whats trending now Mar'2017 2nd edition! (Network Effects . Technology . Great Teams . Free IoT & Security Books . Culture . Analytics . AI . SXSW 2017) - 

8. Lean Startup & Design Series - 

9. DevOps Exclusive (Confessions from foremost authorities and linchpins on DevOps) - 

10. Whats trending now Apr'2017 - (Why tech firms fail | New World (Dis)Order | Why GE, IBM, McK investing in Designers) -

11. Whats trending now Apr'2017 edi.2 - (Business Agility . Just Culture . Focus of Futurists . Future of CX . DLOQ . Digital Marketing . Mobile is eating the world) -

12. Whats trending now May'2017 edi.1 -  (AI delivers mass personalization . The firm of the future . Gartner CEO survey . Accenture Tech Trends 2017 . Evolution of UI/UX) -

13. Whats trending now may'17 e.2 -(Millennial Survey 2017 . GICs in India . Algorithms to solve everyday problems . Customer Experience 'All or Nothing' . Creating a Future Workforce) - 

14. Culture at Google . a16z . Toyota & GM . R Westrum Model - 

15. Whats trending now Jul'17 edition -  Cloud . ML . Mobile Consumer . Techologists . Two Speed IT . Analytics IQ. GICs in India . Culture . Global Innovation Index 2017 . Make Change Happen - 

16. Whats trending now Aug'17 edi.1 - 2 Pizza Sized Teams . Future of Feedback . Measure the Quality of your Product . Seismic Shift - 

17. Whats trending now Sep'17 & Oct'17 - The Future of Feedback . Culture Designer 101 . Courageous Executives . Dot Voting . Lost Art of Thinking in Large Orgs . Scaling Bimodal . Creativity @ Google & IDEO . Tame Corners of Innovation 

18. Tech Trends 2018 - Forrester . Deloitte . Frost & Sullivan . IDC . Gartner . ThoughtWorks . Future Today Institute -


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