Developing Original Ideas - by Adam Grant
Developing Original Ideas - by Adam Grant
Originals are the ones with = Creativity + Change
- They take initiative
- Poke the status quo / box
- Not accepting the default way of working
- Improve the world
Who can be Originals ? > Anybody
Remember 1: Question the default? You can find someone's job performance and how long they stay by knowing what web browser they use.
Chrome, Firefox stay 15% longer than Internet Explorer and Safari users (who accept the default)
Where / how do Originals evolve? Originality starts with "Curiosity"
Tip 1 : Try "Vuja De" thinking > Looking into the default or reverse thinking (e.g.) When Uber passed by, look at the no of empty seats; instead of the how many filled.
Tip 2 : Greatest Secret > What differentiates originals ? "Not the quality of ideas. Its the Quantity". The more quality you have the more you create bad idea :)
In a brainstroming meeting, we might get only 10 or 20 possibilities;its most conventional and easy to think. Thats why, they came to the mind first . "You dont get ideas nobody bothered". Consider 200 ideas on average to select.
e.g 1. When Pixar studios made cars, they dont consider dozen scripts, or 50 or 100. They looked at '500' scripts to select 1.
e.g 2. Fisher Price (toy company) look at 4000 different designs before they select a 'bunch' or Top 12 toys.
Tip 3 : Try a new domain and have a different hobby
Einstein played violin while finds our Theory of Relativity. Galilio is an astronomer tells, he is an artist. He found that moon has mountains by looking at the shapes and curves.
Tip 4: Look abroad
Its not travelling or living abroad. Its about working aboad. i.e. by internalizing different culture norms, beliefs and values. New country, new industry and new hobby. You dont get in one domain. Its not the depth only to become original. Its the BREADTH of experience.
Tip 5: Ask your peers
We dont lack creative ideas; we lack which ideas to champion. If you get 1000s of ideas, its tough to select a good idea and create a big impact. Remember, Cirque de Soleil. For best shows, they ask their peers to rate the best performance. Ask your peers. They invested in creative ideas. They are motivated by newness. They say, its weird, let give it a shot. :)
Managers/Leaders are gatekeepers. They middle managers shoot it down. They know so much intuition and trained for boxed thinking and templates; what has been successful before. Esp. Managers select an idea and it bombs; its a career limiting move. If managers reject a good idea, then NO ONE will ever know.
Remember 2 : The more original you are; the more tough to get others accept your ideas. Whats new and exciting to you is totally illogical to others. E.g. Dabble - Courtesy of Disney says while pitching to investors, his solutions has flaws; he is working to improve.
So, tell the flaws openly. Tell you are working to perfect it.
Tip 6: Become a Tempered Radical - like Elon Mosk.
Tip 7: Ask for 5 minute favors
Microloan of time, skills and effort. The world has lots of givers and takers. Dont get burnout. Select 3 or 5 skills / interests which is easy to you . Try random act of kindness; only Wed/Thu. Be planned.
Tip 8: How to stay motivated?
Understand why are you doing; what are doing? Whats meaningful work ?
Job Crafting > A study on Hospital cleaners/janitors. Most of the times, they clean the germs, dirty stuff and get exposed to diseases. what makes them motivated?They go beyond their job descirption.i.e. They are comforting the familities, getting pillows for sick. esp, interestingly one said, he believes, Cleaning the COMA patients place and keep it tidy may flicker somebody's consciousness.
Note: These arent written in job description.
Ask! We all do exit interviews and so many talented leaves we ask them why are you going and what could we have possibly done to keep. Instead ask, “Why not do it right at the very beginning as an entry interview and ask why did you come up like why are you here. What makes it work meaningful to you. What's the most exciting project you've ever worked on in your career to date. What are you hoping to be doing in the next five years what skills and strengths do you want to use or develop".
Above post is written by R Ragavendra Prasath
Courtesy & Inspiration!
Adam Grant - Author, Organizational Psychologist
Online course available at Udemy -
Above post is written by R Ragavendra Prasath
Courtesy & Inspiration!
Adam Grant - Author, Organizational Psychologist
Online course available at Udemy -
Very good , thanks for sharing