Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Experience (CX)

As per Pitney Bowes hierarchical system of CX, Factors considered / influence the customer experience / rating
1.Understood the issues
2.First time right response / Errors
3.Ease of use / Accessibility / Availability
4.Speed of response provided / Wait time

Higher the NPS score, higher the loyalty ! i.e. Customers
1.Stay longer
2.Refer others / friends
3.Provide positive feedback and ideas
4.Repeat business on other service lines
5.Reach out to us via email / support call

Inspired by the Forrester CX Index i.e. On a scale of 1 (Very poor) - 5 (Excellent) 
1,2 = Detractors 
3 = Neutral
4,5 = Promoters

NPS = % of Promoters - % of Detractors. and consider absolute number not %. 

Rating bucket as per Forrester CX index, if NPS score is

< 55     - Very Poor
55 - 64 - Poor
65 - 74 - Okay
75 - 84 - Good
85+      - Excellent


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