Manage the Knowledge

1.    ‘Analytics’ On Artificial Intelligence

2.    Brimming’ Big Data’ & ‘Balanced Scorecard’

3.    Crunching ‘Capability Maturity Model’ & Co-Creation

4.    Dreadful ‘Draconian’ Measures

5.    Eccentric ‘Execution’

6.    Flabbergasted 'Future Of Work'

7.    Grudging ‘Ground Rules’

8.    Hunting & Haunting ‘Histogram’

9.    Informal ‘Innovations’

10. Jettisoned Jargons Of ‘Jboss’

11. Kama on ‘Kano Model’ & ‘Kansei Engineering’

12. Love ‘Lean’

13. Mesmerizing ‘Management’ Metaphors

14. Nagging & Nudging ‘New Initiatives’  And ‘Non-Linear’ Models

15. ‘Organic’ Organizations And ‘Operations’

16. Plasmic ‘Protocols’

17. Quenching ‘Quality’

18. Rapid ‘Revenue Recognition’

19. Stakeholder ‘Stigma’ And Strategic ‘Six Sigma’

20. Titans Of ‘Testing’

21. Uncertain ‘Unique Selling Proposition’

22. Viral ‘Value Chain’

23. Windows For ‘Web’

24. ‘X-Factor’ Xtremes

25. ‘Yield Management’ Yippee

26. ‘Zero Defects’ Zeal

These are few of the terms that whisper in our ears very often nowadays. What makes executives to think and take actions against these terms? May be because these factors create volatility in the market or help to thrive in the imbalanced world. Acting, Re-acting and Managing these terms have become a mandate for the masters of management.

The Growth of organizations!

Organization grows, when artifacts expand,

Artifacts expand, when capabilities get stronger,

Capabilities get stronger, when knowledge is enriched,

Knowledge is enriched, when information is passed,

Information is passed, when data is present,

Data is present, when people put efforts, emotions, energy and excellence in work which are the by product of lessons learnt and fingers burnt!

 Fig:- Why do we manage the knowledge

In order to differentiate ‘also ran’ and ‘market leader’, organizations have to manage the knowledge. For this, Many organizations start setting up the KM community today.  Even though the knowledge management is a recent term but the practice is millennial years old. .i.e. we have been told the history of our ancestors through tales, rights and rituals. E.g. Arthasastra, Bible, Quran, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Greek narratives too. Now, the question raises, Why it is been archived and shared? Because, lessons learnt and fingers burnt will help you to ‘connect the dots’. i.e.

So, it was,

So, it is,

So, it will be!!!

The Frame work!

The frame work for managing the knowledge is a 5 step process.

1.    Collate

2.    Design

3.    Store & Maintain

4.    Exploit

5.    Develop


Collection of data, information, templates, reports and etc from various sources play a pivotal role in setting up a KM community. Without a structured format of data collection method, value addition through KM community will not be effective.


The design of KM portal, should be more user friendly and intuitive. The User interface or front end of any community will make it attractive. Nevertheless, the back end should have robustness. The portal must act as ‘one stop’ shop for organizational decision making.

Store & Maintain

Organization or the KM management team must decide what contents have to be shared in KM area. This includes IP, Analysts reports, balance sheet, templates, lessons learnt, best practices and etc.,


A ‘One stop’ shop for all the organizational needs lives at the core of KM. It must be made available 24x7 to all the employees. At the end of the day, people are the ones who are going to make the organization succeed.


Developing the KM to the changing trends and needs of the organization and industry must be done continuously for effective and efficient usage.


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