Growing the Existing Accounts, Buyer Myths and Winning more B2B sales - A Gartner framework
This is the excerpts from Gartner´s 4 publications for Sales and Accounts Growth mentioned below. Three Buyer Behavior Myths Debunked Why Accounts Aren't Growing, and What To Do About It Win More B2B Sales Deals - How sales delivers more value to today’s B2B buyers The Sense Making Seller - How High-Performing Sellers Help Today’s Overwhelmed Buyers In essence - Growing Accounts When it comes to growing accounts, customer improvement has a great impact on retention as ensuring customers get maximum value from the solutions they have already bought Provided customers with unique, critical perspective on improving their business Laid out a vision for improving customer’s business Outlined the ROI of their commercial relationship Driving growth Growth is ultimately about asking the customer to do something differently in the future than they have done in the past. And doing something differently moving forward naturally requires a new decision altogether, not simp...