Evolution in B2B Buying i.e. Sense Making - Brent Adamson - Gartner

Check out the key summary of the latest and emerging topic on sales called ´Sense Making´ . this is summary of the talk / podcast between Brent Adamson (Distinguished Vice President at Sales Practice - Gartner and Victor Antonio (Sales Trainer and Consultant) For more details, check out the publication by Gartner titled How Challenger Sales Organizations Make Sense of Sense Making Dig deeper to find the meaning. Only when you go deep inside the water, you will find beautiful corals. Key summary Help customer to identify signal and clear noise. Too much information out there in market. Help customer Reconcile conflicting information. No.1 depressant of big deals is - customer confidence . this is not lack of confidence in sales, vendor or brand, product/service. this is the lack of confidence among themselves to make a decisive decision in the face of so much uncertainty How can you help customers make big disruptive decisions without havi...