2020 CIO Agenda - Winning in the turns | by Gartner
2020 CIO Agenda “Winning in the turns – how to win during crisis and transformation” is the theme for 2020. Read the full report here - 2020 CIO Agenda - Winning in the turns Key findings: CIOs are uniquely positioned to help their organizations thrive following a crisis. This year, Gartner classifies organizations into 2 types FIT – Enterprises that came out ahead of crisis (such as acquisitions, cost pressures, possible economic downturn, growing trade wars, digital disruption and changes in consumer demand) that erode the fundamentals of running a business are identified as “fit” FRAGILE – Enterprises that came our behind and suffer permanent structural damage are identified as “fragile” Organizations approach to crisis through battening down the hatches (by cost cutting or risk reduction) may get hurt. Fit enterprises emerge from these events are stronger, more competitive, able to fund business initiatives, attract the right talent, and so on. FIT enterprises revenu...